xoves, 9 de decembro de 2021

Entrevista a George Hurst [COIRO]

George Hurst traballando no seu obradoiro

Galician first, English below.

Hoxe temos a oportunidade coñecer algo máis sobre George Hurst, premio Al Stohlman Award do ano 1991.

-Canto tempo levas traballando o coiro? 
- 71 anos 

-Como empezaches no coiro?
- Comecei a facer marroquinería en 1950 como estudante de último ano na escola secundaria. Tiven que elixir dúas materias optativas para completar o meu horario de clases, así que agreguei mecanografía e artesanía en coiro. Tivemos un novo mestre que introduciu a marroquinería na escola e inspirou o meu amor de toda a vida polo oficio. -



Portada de un dos moitos traballos
divulgativos de George Hurst
-Que ten o coiro que non teña outro material?
- VERSATILIDADE! Co coiro, podes labralo, tinguilo, darlle forma, etc. Podes facer arte como labrado de figuras, pictórico e retratos. Pode facer artigos útiles e ilimitados como cintos, billeteras, carteiras, sandalias, botas, chalecos, correas de reloxo, selas de montar, carteiras e moito máis. Non hai límite para o que podes facer co coiro.

-Entre as diferentes técnicas que coñeces, cal é a túa favorita?
-O labrado floral estilo western é a miña favorita. Tamén me encanta labrar follas de carballo e rosas.

-Que peza tes ganas de facer e aínda non fixeches?
-Fixen retratos pero gustaríame facer máis. Hai moitos anos, comecei a labrar retratos de todos os presidentes dos Estados Unidos, pero aínda teño un longo camiño por percorrer!

George Hurst con Al e Ann Stohlman
-Que consello daríaslle a alguén que está a empezar no traballo do coiro?
-Como con calquera outro esforzo, a práctica é clave. Aprenderás e mellorarás da experiencia. Hai moitos recursos dispoñibles para axudalo a mellorar como artesán do coiro: vídeos en liña, libros de instrución, unirse a un Leather Guild, clases na súa tenda local de coiro e encontros de artesáns de coiro. . .

-Tes algún artesán do coiro que consideres inspirador?
- Al Stohlman, por suposto! Tiven o privilexio de traballar con el durante moitos anos como Xerente de Marketing de Tandy Leather nos anos 70, 80 e 90.

-Que significa a ti para ser recoñecido co Al Stohlman Award?
-ORGULLO! Síntome honrado de ser recoñecido polos meus compañeiros con tal honra.

Today we have the opportunity know something more about George Hurst,  Al Stohlman Award of the year 1991.

-How long have you being working with leather? 
- 71 years
- How did you start in leathercraft?
- I started doing leathercraft in 1950 as a senior in high school. I had to choose two electives to fill out my class schedule, so I added typing and leathercraft. We had a new teacher who introduced leathercraft to the school and inspired my lifelong love of the craft.

- What does the leather have that another material doesn’t? 
- VERSATILITY! With leather, you can tool it, dye it, shape it, etc. You can make art such as figure carving, pictorial carving and portraits. You can make limitless useful, wearable items like belts, wallets, purses, sandals, boots, vests, watchbands, saddles, purses and much more. There is no limit to what you can do with leather.

- Among the different techniques you know, which one is your favourite? 
- Western floral carving is my favorite. I also love carving oak leaves and roses.

- Which work piece do you feel like doing and you haven’t done yet? 
- I've done portraits but would like to do more. Many years ago, I started carving portraits of all the U.S. Presidents but still have a long way to go!
-What would be your piece of advice for anyone who is beginning? 
- As with any other endeavor, practice is key. You will learn and improve from experience. There are lots of resources available to help you improve as a leathercrafter - online videos, instructional books, join a leather guild, classes at your local leathercraft store and leather trade shows . . .
Portada de un dos libros de George Hurst.

-Do you have a leathercrafter that you consider inspiring? 
- Al Stohlman, of course! I had the privilege of working with Al for many years as the Marketing Manager for Tandy Leather in the 70's, 80's and 90's.

-What does it mean to you to be recognized with the Al Stohlman Award? 
- PRIDE! I'm humbled to have been recognized by my peers with such an honor.

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