Michiko Matsuda |
Galician Firts, English Below.
Debido a un pequeno problema técnico publicamos hoxe unha pequena entrevista a Michiko Matsuda, gañadora do Al Stohlman Award do ano 2021, a nosa intención era rematar o ano publicando esta entrevista, pero nos foi moi dificil. Así pois Moito Coiro 2022!!!
- Canto tempo levas traballado o coiro?
Levo traballándoo máis de 40 anos.
- Como empezaches no coiro?
Encántame debuxar desde que era nena.
Encántame debuxar desde que era nena.
O meu soño da infancia era ser un deseñadora dalgún tipo. Mentres estudaba deseño de interiores na Musashino Art University, vin un pequeno coiro con incrustacións que foi elaborado nun cofre na "Exposición de mobles escandinavos". Era unha pequena duns 10 cm cadrados, non sei por que non podía apartar a vista dela e parecíame moi atractiva.
Despois diso estudei o Artesania do coiro. Estaba hipnotizada pola artesanía en coiro. Nese momento estaba a piques de graduarme da universidade, así que decidín estudar artesanía en coiro mentres traballaba.
- Que ten o coiro que non teña outro material?
O toque cálido do coiro e a posibilidade de facer moitas cousas con el.
- Entre as diferentes técnicas que coñeces, cal é a túa favorita?
Síntoo, teño 2 favoritas. Un delas é o modelado 3D mediante a combinación de varias técnicas, outra é o batik.
- Que peza tes ganas de facer e aínda non fixeches?
Fixen moitas cousas que quería probar. Entón, agora non teño ningunha.
O toque cálido do coiro e a posibilidade de facer moitas cousas con el.
- Entre as diferentes técnicas que coñeces, cal é a túa favorita?
Síntoo, teño 2 favoritas. Un delas é o modelado 3D mediante a combinación de varias técnicas, outra é o batik.
- Que peza tes ganas de facer e aínda non fixeches?
Fixen moitas cousas que quería probar. Entón, agora non teño ningunha.
- Que consello lle darías a alguén que está a empezar no traballo do coiro?
O coiro é un material divertido con moitas posibilidades. Goza da artesanía en coiro. Mirar belas imaxes e outras artesanías, pode servirche de inspiración. Mira non só o coiro senón tamén outras obras de arte.
- Tes algunha ferramenta única ou especial?
Fixen unha ferramenta chamada cono que se usa para batik.
- Tes algún artesán do coiro que consideres inspirador?
Si, o señor James F. Jackson.
-Que significa para ti para ser recoñecida co Al Stohlman Award?
Non pensei que o meu traballo fose seleccionado para o premio porque os meus traballos son bastante diferentes aos dos artesáns de coiro estadounidenses. Houbo persoas que me recomendaron para o premio, e estou moi feliz de recibilo e sentirme responsable por el. Gustaríame ser unha ponte entre os artesáns do coiro do mundo e os artesáns do coiro xaponeses.
-How long have you being working with leather?
I have been working more than 40 years.
-How did you start in leathercraft?
I've loved drawing since I was a kid.
My childhood dream was to be a designerof some kind.
While studying interior design at Musashino Art University, I saw some small inlaid leather which was crafted in a chest at the "Scandinavian Furniture Exhibition".
It was a small one about 10 cm square, I don’t know why I couldn't take my eyes off it, and it seemed very attractive to me.
After that I studied leather work. l was mesmerized by leather craft. At that time, I was about to graduate from university, so I decided to study leather craft while working.
-What does the leather have that another material doesn’t?
The warm touch of leather and the possibility of making many things with it.
-Among the different techniques you know, which one is your favorites?
I ‘m sorry I have 2 favorites. One of them is 3D modeling by combining various techniques, another one is batik.
-Which work piece do you feel like doing and you haven’t done yet? -
I have done many things that I wanted to try. So, I don't have any now.
-What would be your piece of advice for anyone who is beginning?
Leather is a fun material with a lot of possibilities. Please enjoy leather craft. Looking at beautiful pictures and other crafts can give you any inspiration. Please look at not only leather but also other art works.
-Have you got any ‘special’ or unique tool?
I made a tool called a cone that is used for batik.
-Do you have a leathercrafter that you consider inspiring?
Mr. James F. Jackson
-What does it mean to you to be recognized with the Al Stohlman Award?
I didn't think my work would be selected for the award because my works are quite different from American leather crafters. There was a person who recommended me for the award, and I am very happy to have received it and feel responsible for it. I would like to be a bridge between leather crafters in the world and Japanese leather crafters.
O coiro é un material divertido con moitas posibilidades. Goza da artesanía en coiro. Mirar belas imaxes e outras artesanías, pode servirche de inspiración. Mira non só o coiro senón tamén outras obras de arte.
- Tes algunha ferramenta única ou especial?
Fixen unha ferramenta chamada cono que se usa para batik.
- Tes algún artesán do coiro que consideres inspirador?
Si, o señor James F. Jackson.
-Que significa para ti para ser recoñecida co Al Stohlman Award?
Non pensei que o meu traballo fose seleccionado para o premio porque os meus traballos son bastante diferentes aos dos artesáns de coiro estadounidenses. Houbo persoas que me recomendaron para o premio, e estou moi feliz de recibilo e sentirme responsable por el. Gustaríame ser unha ponte entre os artesáns do coiro do mundo e os artesáns do coiro xaponeses.
Due to a small technical problem we published today a small interview with Michiko Matsuda, winner of the Al Stohlman Award of the year 2021, our intention was to end the year by publishing this interview, but it was very difficult for us. So Much Leather 2022 !!!
-How long have you being working with leather?
I have been working more than 40 years.
-How did you start in leathercraft?
I've loved drawing since I was a kid.
My childhood dream was to be a designerof some kind.
While studying interior design at Musashino Art University, I saw some small inlaid leather which was crafted in a chest at the "Scandinavian Furniture Exhibition".
It was a small one about 10 cm square, I don’t know why I couldn't take my eyes off it, and it seemed very attractive to me.
After that I studied leather work. l was mesmerized by leather craft. At that time, I was about to graduate from university, so I decided to study leather craft while working.
-What does the leather have that another material doesn’t?
The warm touch of leather and the possibility of making many things with it.
-Among the different techniques you know, which one is your favorites?
I ‘m sorry I have 2 favorites. One of them is 3D modeling by combining various techniques, another one is batik.
-Which work piece do you feel like doing and you haven’t done yet? -
I have done many things that I wanted to try. So, I don't have any now.
-What would be your piece of advice for anyone who is beginning?
Leather is a fun material with a lot of possibilities. Please enjoy leather craft. Looking at beautiful pictures and other crafts can give you any inspiration. Please look at not only leather but also other art works.
-Have you got any ‘special’ or unique tool?
I made a tool called a cone that is used for batik.
-Do you have a leathercrafter that you consider inspiring?
Mr. James F. Jackson
-What does it mean to you to be recognized with the Al Stohlman Award?
I didn't think my work would be selected for the award because my works are quite different from American leather crafters. There was a person who recommended me for the award, and I am very happy to have received it and feel responsible for it. I would like to be a bridge between leather crafters in the world and Japanese leather crafters.
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